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Im Auge der Sonne

Hi lovely souls,

we would like to tell you a little bit about us,

so that you can get a touch of what to experience during our retreats.

We are both living and teaching in Berlin, Germany

and Sri Lanka, where we love to share our passion for Yoga, Meditation and Sound healing.

Connecting your heart to the transformative energy and serves as a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness with yourself and the natur around you.

Allowing you to feel your emotions more deeply, to release and let go. 

We are looking forward to flowing with you.



Isa & Franzi

Our vision

Leaving your always “on” existence behind and getting in touch with your deeper layers of consciousness.


Yoga योग
(Sanskrit: yui ~ to join/unite)

is about connecting your body and mind.


With "Surrender to YOU"

we want to invite you to come back to yourself.

Connection with the women inside you.

Embracing your female energy.

Allowing yourself to BE.


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